Monday 17 December 2012

It's nearly Christmas...

It's nearly Christmas, which means that since we got back from our holidays in Vietnam and Hong Kong in August, we have all been back to school... Jie Jie in Year 1, coming along in leaps and bounds with her maths, writing and reading, and becoming quite knowledgeable on a range of subjects from dinosaurs to space.  Didi is in Nursery - first year of full time school, struggled initially with the discipline and sitting still, but he is a 3 year old boy.  Mike in a role across the whole school, including the Kindergarten part of the school, which means he has seen the kids at school a bit more.  And me doing supply from Reception to Year 6, averaging about 2 days a week.

It's been a busy term, with gymnastics, tennis lessons, play dates, various performances, UN Week, birthday parties, dinners out, carol concerts, some Shanghai sightseeing and decorating for Christmas.  Our house is looking good, and we have a beautiful tree.

But we have now finished Term 1, and are once again on holidays... we are not travelling for the rest of this year, as the family are coming to stay with us for Christmas.  My sister and her new husband arrive from London next Sunday morning, and my parents arrive that evening.  We have been particularly lucky this time, as another teacher at the school who lives in the same compound as us has returned to the UK for Christmas and has given us the run of her apartment, which means that we are having visitors, but they are sleeping next door, which means that Didi is not put out of his bed for Santa to find him easily!!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!!

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