Saturday, 14 February 2009

It's a boy!!!

Ellie, Mike and I are thrilled to announce the birth of
James Michael De Borde

Jamie was born on Monday 9th February, 2009 at 2.18am
at the Shanghai East International Medical Centre

He weighed in at a very healthy 4kg and was 51cm long

Ellie is delighted to be a big sister, and is learning very quickly about sharing!!
Mike and I are improving our juggling skills now with one each to manage!! Fortunately we have some live in help for the next couple of weeks with my parents visiting Shanghai for the first time and being very proud grandparents!!

Welcome to the world Jamie!!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Ellie's 2nd Birthday

For some weeks now, Ellie and I have been reading the trusty Australian Women's Weekly Birthday Cake book working out which cake to have for her birthday celebrations!! Interestingly, for a reasonably girly girl, Ellie selected a cake with a big purple spider on it. Ellie's favourite exhibit at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is the spider section, and one morning quite unprovoked, as she was having her nappy changed, she calmly and seriously said "I like spiders", so the cake choice really was quite fitting! It also suited me, because although the recipe made a giant cake that would have fed about 40 people, I could easily downsize it to cook it in our shoebox of an oven.

On Sunday morning, I made all of the cakes required to be the web, the spider's body and the head. I showed Ellie the cake in progress next to the picture in the book, and she could identify which bit each little cake was going to be. That night Mike and I decorated it. It had a butter cream i
cing, and I didn't believe that whipping the butter would eventually make it soft and smooth enough for icing - it was almost the same temperature in our kitchen as in the fridge, so although the butter had been 'out' nearly all day it was still rock hard!! But thanks to our trusty food processor and a lot of patience on my part it actually did end up getting to the right consistency!! The best bit was mixing the colours in. We got a very satisfactory purple for the spider and a really rich green for under the web. Last year, Ellie also was supposed to have had a purple cake, but it really turned out mauve, so I was thrilled with the colour for the spider!!

Mike and I had a good reminisce of the 2 years since we had Ellie while we were decorating the cake. It's amazing it has gone so quickly, and that she has grown from being a tiny helpless baby, to a walking, talking person!!! We also remembered the big difference when we celebrated her 1st birthday in a be
autiful park in Coogee overlooking the ocean!! Due to Mike's steady hand, he is actually the better cake decorator in our family, but receives artistic guidance from me, and so of course he had the big part in last years cake too!

The web was made of liquorice strips, not amazingly easy to find in Shanghai, but thanks to an imported food store I had managed to find some liquorice wheels from Germany, which were easily separated into strands. The same c
ompany had some Allsorts that have served to be the detail on the spider, plus we got some orange pipecleaners for legs. I did the web on the main part of the cake, and was really quite happy with the outcome!! But it was nothing compared to the intricacies of the spider!! Well done Mike!!

On Monday morning, the actual big day for our little baby girl, we told her it was her birthday and that she was now 2 years old. We were talking about the cake, and said that it was all done. Mike went to the kitchen and brought it in for her to have a look, and she was gobsmacked!! It was amazing, we really had managed to bring a picture from a book to life!! She even wanted to compare the cake to the picture in the book. Then when Mike took it back to the kitchen she leapt out of bed shouting "no, more spider"!!

At very short notice, some of our good friends in Shanghai were able to come around for a play in the afternoon. We had a lovely little celebration, and Mike managed to get home from work at 4pm, to join in too!! We had 3 mums and 6 kids, ra
nging in age from 14 months to 5 years. It was delicious chaos!! Ellie loved it when everyone sang Happy Birthday to her, but I think was even more excited about blowing out the candles, and then joy of all joys she was allowed use a 'real knife' to make the first cut in the cake!! We have saved the spider to share today, but ate almost the whole of the web cake.

With cake and chips provided so close to dinner time, who needed a birthday dinner?? We had already planned on having a takeaway pizza for our dinner, but when Mike brought the pizza home, Ellie was far too engrossed in playing with her new toys and drawing with her new textas to join us at the table for dinner!! Needless to say, we figured she'd probably eaten her fill earlier!!

During the day, we also managed to have successful conversations on Skype with both sets of grandparents who were excited about their only grandchild turning 2, on 02/02, a date milestone, that is way over Ellie's head!! Ellie was also excited to show off the whole cake to her Aussie grandparents, and the remaining spider to the Welsh ones. She also received birthday phone greetings from Aunty Marnie and our lovely neighbours from Sydney - I enjoyed talking to you both, even if Ellie wouldn't come to the phone, as well as the myriad of email greetings and facebook updates!! Thanks everyone!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Ellie!!!
Mummy and Daddy