Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Photo Challenge

So while I was reading other people's blogs and generally roaming the internet, I came across this sweet little challenge run by Chantelle at Fat Mum Slim - basically to take a photo a day based on a list of inspirations for the month... I am a bit late coming to the party, and I'm not sure if each suggestion is supposed to tie in with the actual day of the month... but hey, I'm taking the inspiration list and posting a photo for each one as I find it...

1.  Flower (#16): This is the ceiling inside the Moon Pagoda in Shan Hu, Guilin.

2. Someone who makes me happy (#4): These are my kids.

 3. Stairs (#12): These stairs are climbing up Solitary Beauty Peak in the centre of the Princes City in Guilin.

4. My Reflection (#1): You can see my camera anyway in the glass, and Didi is moving too fast for my camera to focus on him!

5. Sunset (#15): Over the Karst Peaks in Yangshuo, from a great pizza restaurant called Luna.

6. Colour (#2): This is in the Dragon Cave, Yangshuo.

7. Vegetable (#23): Making chilli and garlic paste in Guilin

8. Younger me (#9): Well... passing of time anyway, and what I was, and what I will be... my daughter, me and my mum! On holidays in Guilin.

9. Last thing bought (#22): We bought a painting from this gallery of the Guilin landscape.

10. Orange (#19): We went rafting in Yangshuo and all the life vests that nobody was wearing were orange.

Next month, I'll try and work harder to do it all through Instagram, which I do love... I've also already posted one through Instagram for #18 - hair.  So that's 11 photos for April so far... and today is the 11th!

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