The last one of us to celebrate a birthday in Shanghai... time is certainly ticking by quickly since we moved here in August, and now seven months and a new addition to the family later, it's Mike's birthday!!
As it is also St Patrick's Day, Mike has had a long standing tradition to have a Guinness on his birthday... this year was no exception, but we had his birthday Guinness on Sunday at the Irish Pub in Thumb Plaza. It was a good day to visit the Irishman's Bar as it was the day after the night before - which was the St Patrick's Day ball, so there were a lot of people working through their sins of the previous night... and a bargain offer on Bloody Marys which kept me happy.
So, today my to do list has cake baking, a bit of shopping, some minor redecoration and preparing a birthday dinner all as high priorities... better get cracking!! All of course while juggling the demands of my two beautiful children. I am Supermum.
Happy Birthday Mikey!!
Happy St Pat's Day everyone else!!
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