Saturday, 13 February 2010

January 2010

Happy New Year!!

Technically we can say we've been in Australia this year as we headed back to cold Shanghai on January 1st!! What a shock to the system - 30 degree temperature drop to -4 degrees! We have had snow a number of times this year, but never enough to stick or actually build a snowman. I'm not complaining. Dry cold is not so bad, and after last year I've actually learned to dress myself properly.

It was good to get straight back into routine, as we arrived home and had the weekend to recover, and then school started again on Monday. Ellie was glad to get back to her kids, Mike not so much.

We had a pretty busy month, playgroups and play dates for Ellie and Jamie and lunches and coffee for me fills the week up quite quickly. Finally I've enrolled in Chinese lessons, for although I have managed, my vocab has been somewhat limited... I am having classes twice a week - Tuesdays and Fridays, and I've improved dramatically already. I wish I'd been able to do these classes when we arrived 18 months ago... oh well, better late than never.

The other thing that has been keeping me busy has been getting ready for the kids birthdays! Ellie has been adamant about having a Pirate Ship cake for ages... so we are having a pirate party... I am starting on the collection of goodies. Our most successful trip was to the Yu Gardens Bazaar - wow what a place to visit... I thought the fake market had everything... But we managed to get a pirate hat for Mike, and some black balloons (cannon balls) and a whole pile of other rubbish that we absolutely needed! I'm sure the pirate party will be a hit!!

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